

3, 2009, doi:10.14710/jitaa.34.3.223-228. Lowland Anoa Bubalus depressicornis Smith from Bovines Mammals of Sulawesi Endemic fauna of Indonesia Mammals described in 1910 Mammals described in 1827


3, 2009, doi:10.14710/jitaa.34.3.223-228. Lowland Anoa Bubalus depressicornis Smith from Bovines Mammals of Sulawesi Endemic fauna of Indonesia Mammals described in 1910 Mammals described in 1827


Both live in undisturbed rainforest and are similar in appearance to miniature water buffalo, weighing . Both species of anoa have been classified as endangered since the 1960s and the populations continue to decrease.


Since 2005, however, these differences do not seem to be accurate, both species occur in the same areas in the same habitats. ==Morphology== The anoa have many physical characteristics of bovine relatives and are considered to be most closely related to the water buffalo, which was confirmed through DNA analysis. The physical characteristics of the two species are similar.


3, 2009, doi:10.14710/jitaa.34.3.223-228. Lowland Anoa Bubalus depressicornis Smith from Bovines Mammals of Sulawesi Endemic fauna of Indonesia Mammals described in 1910 Mammals described in 1827

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