

Immanuel Hermann Fichte used the term anthroposophy to refer to "rigorous human self-knowledge," achievable through thorough comprehension of the human spirit and of the working of God in this spirit, in his 1856 work Anthropology: The Study of the Human Soul.


Steiner attended lectures by Zimmermann at the University of Vienna in the early 1880s, thus at the time of this book's publication. In the early 1900s, Steiner began using the term anthroposophy (i.e.


From 1900 on, thanks to the positive reception his ideas received from Theosophists, Steiner focused increasingly on his work with the Theosophical Society, becoming the secretary of its section in Germany in 1902.

Steiner attended lectures by Zimmermann at the University of Vienna in the early 1880s, thus at the time of this book's publication. In the early 1900s, Steiner began using the term anthroposophy (i.e.


From 1900 on, thanks to the positive reception his ideas received from Theosophists, Steiner focused increasingly on his work with the Theosophical Society, becoming the secretary of its section in Germany in 1902.


During his leadership, membership increased dramatically, from just a few individuals to sixty-nine lodges. By 1907, a split between Steiner and the Theosophical Society became apparent.


In particular, Steiner believed a person's spiritual development could occur only after a period of moral development. In 1912, the Anthroposophical Society was founded.


Followers of Steiner's ideas soon began applying them to create counter-cultural movements in traditional and special education, farming, and medicine. By 1923, a schism had formed between older members focused on inner development and younger members eager to become active in contemporary social transformations.


Waldorf schools are among the most visible anthroposophical institutions. ===Biodynamic agriculture=== Biodynamic agriculture, the first intentional form of organic farming, began in 1924, when Rudolf Steiner gave a series of lectures published in English as The Agriculture Course.


As a spiritual basis for the reborn movement, Steiner wrote a "Foundation Stone Meditation" which remains a central touchstone of anthroposophical ideas. Steiner died just over a year later, in 1925.


In 1940, Karl König founded the Camphill Movement in Scotland.


The first anthroposophic bank was the Gemeinschaftsbank für Leihen und Schenken in Bochum, Germany, founded in 1974. Socially responsible banks founded out of anthroposophy include Triodos Bank, founded in the Netherlands in 1980 and also active in the UK, Germany, Belgium, Spain and France.


The first anthroposophic bank was the Gemeinschaftsbank für Leihen und Schenken in Bochum, Germany, founded in 1974. Socially responsible banks founded out of anthroposophy include Triodos Bank, founded in the Netherlands in 1980 and also active in the UK, Germany, Belgium, Spain and France.


Martin Buber and Hugo Bergmann, who viewed Steiner's social ideas as a solution to the Arab–Jewish conflict, were also influenced by anthroposophy. There are numerous anthroposophical organisations in Israel, including the anthroposophical kibbutz Harduf, founded by Jesaiah Ben-Aharon, forty Waldorf kindergartens and seventeen Waldorf schools (stand as of 2018).

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