CANDU reactor


An effort to rationalize the larger units in a fashion similar to CANDU 6 led to the CANDU 9. By the early 2000s, sales prospects for the original CANDU designs were dwindling due to the introduction of newer designs from other companies.


ACR failed to find any buyers; its last potential sale was for an expansion at Darlington, but this was cancelled in 2009.


In October 2011, the Canadian Federal Government licensed the CANDU design to Candu Energy (a wholly owned subsidiary of SNC-Lavalin), which also acquired the former reactor development and marketing division of AECL at that time.


Sales effort for the ACR reactor has ended. In 2017, a consultation with industry led Natural Resources Canada to establish a "SMR Roadmap" targeting the development of small modular reactors.


In 2020, the CANDU SMR was not selected for further design work for a Canadian demonstration project.

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Page generated on 2021-08-05