Charge of the Goddess


1:3) of the Latin Vulgate. ===Origins=== The earliest known Wiccan version is found in a document dating from the late 1940s, Gerald Gardner's ritual notebook titled Ye Bok of Ye Art Magical.


It has been shown that Gerald Gardner's book collection included a copy of Crowley's The Blue Equinox (1919) which includes all of the Crowley quotations transferred by Gardner to the Charge of the Goddess. There are also two versions written by Doreen Valiente in the mid-1950s, after her 1953 Wiccan initiation.


St Paul, Minnesota: Lllewellyn, 1991.


Thoth Publications, Loughborough, 2007. Sorita d’Este and David Rankine.


Avalonia, London, 2008.

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