Commonly-used Latin editions are by Judocus Le Plat (Antwerp, 1779) and by Johann Friedrich von Schulte and Aemilius Ludwig Richter (Leipzig, 1853).
Le Plat, Monumentorum ad historicam Concilii Tridentini collectio (7 vols., Leuven, 1781–87).
An English edition is by James Waterworth (London, 1848; With Essays on the External and Internal History of the Council). The original acts and debates of the council, as prepared by its general secretary, Bishop Angelo Massarelli, in six large folio volumes, are deposited in the Vatican Library and remained there unpublished for more than 300 years and were brought to light, though only in part, by Augustin Theiner, priest of the oratory (d.
Waterworth, 1848 (also on Intratext) Documents of the Council in latin ZIP version of the documents of the Council of Trent 1545 establishments in the Papal States 1563 disestablishments Counter-Reformation Trent Pope Julius III Pope Paul III Pope Pius IV Pope Pius V Trent
Commonly-used Latin editions are by Judocus Le Plat (Antwerp, 1779) and by Johann Friedrich von Schulte and Aemilius Ludwig Richter (Leipzig, 1853).
A French translation of the Examen by Eduard Preuss was published in 1861.
German translations were published in 1861, 1884, and 1972.
In English, a complete translation by Fred Kramer drawing from the original Latin and the 1861 German was published beginning in 1971. == See also == Nicolas Psaume, bishop of Verdun == Notes == == References == Bühren, Ralf van: Kunst und Kirche im 20.
Collectio Lacensis (7 vols., Freiburg, 1870–90), reissued as independent volume (1892); Concilium Tridentinum: Diariorum, actorum, epistularum, … collectio, ed.
New materials(Vienna, 1872); by JJI von Döllinger (Ungedruckte Berichte und Tagebücher zur Geschichte des Concilii von Trient) (2 parts, Nördlingen, 1876); and August von Druffel, Monumenta Tridentina (Munich, 1884–97). == List of doctrinal decrees == ==Protestant response== Out of 87 books written between 1546 and 1564 attacking the Council of Trent, 41 were written by Pier Paolo Vergerio, a former papal nuncio turned Protestant Reformer.
1874), in Acta genuina sancti et oecumenici Concilii Tridentini nunc primum integre edita (2 vols., Leipzig, 1874). Most of the official documents and private reports, however, which bear upon the council, were made known in the 16th century and since.
New materials(Vienna, 1872); by JJI von Döllinger (Ungedruckte Berichte und Tagebücher zur Geschichte des Concilii von Trient) (2 parts, Nördlingen, 1876); and August von Druffel, Monumenta Tridentina (Munich, 1884–97). == List of doctrinal decrees == ==Protestant response== Out of 87 books written between 1546 and 1564 attacking the Council of Trent, 41 were written by Pier Paolo Vergerio, a former papal nuncio turned Protestant Reformer.
New materials(Vienna, 1872); by JJI von Döllinger (Ungedruckte Berichte und Tagebücher zur Geschichte des Concilii von Trient) (2 parts, Nördlingen, 1876); and August von Druffel, Monumenta Tridentina (Munich, 1884–97). == List of doctrinal decrees == ==Protestant response== Out of 87 books written between 1546 and 1564 attacking the Council of Trent, 41 were written by Pier Paolo Vergerio, a former papal nuncio turned Protestant Reformer.
German translations were published in 1861, 1884, and 1972.
Sebastianus Merkle (4 vols., Freiburg, 1901 sqq.); as well as Mansi, Concilia, xxxv.
N.B.: "The original 1941 edition contained [both] the Latin text and the English translation.
In English, a complete translation by Fred Kramer drawing from the original Latin and the 1861 German was published beginning in 1971. == See also == Nicolas Psaume, bishop of Verdun == Notes == == References == Bühren, Ralf van: Kunst und Kirche im 20.
German translations were published in 1861, 1884, and 1972.
Rockford, Ill.: TAN Books and Publishers, 1978.
"The Council of Trent and the Catholic Reformation", in his The Catholic Reformation (London: Routledge, 1999, , pbk.), p. 29-68.
Die Rezeption des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils (Konziliengeschichte, Reihe B: Untersuchungen), Paderborn 2008, O'Malley, John W., in The Sensuous in the Counter-Reformation Church, Eds: Marcia B.
Cooper, 2013, Cambridge University Press, , google books James Waterworth (ed.), The Canons and Decrees of the Sacred and Oecumenical Council of Trent (1848) == Further reading == (with imprimatur of cardinal Farley) Paolo Sarpi, Historia del Concilio Tridentino, London: John Bill,1619 (History of the Council of Trent, English translation by Nathaniel Brent, London 1620, 1629 and 1676) Francesco Sforza Pallavicino, Istoria del concilio di Trento.
This edition contains only the English translation..."; comprises only the Council's dogmatic decrees, excluding the purely disciplinary ones. Mathias Mütel: Mit den Kirchenvätern gegen Martin Luther? Die Debatten um Tradition und auctoritas patrum auf dem Konzil von Trient, Paderborn 2017 (= Konziliengeschichte.
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