Crystal oscillator


They are also often incorporated in a single package with the crystal oscillator circuit, shown on the righthand side. ==History== Piezoelectricity was discovered by Jacques and Pierre Curie in 1880.


The first crystal-controlled oscillator, using a crystal of Rochelle salt, was built in 1917 and patented in 1918 by Alexander M.


The first crystal-controlled oscillator, using a crystal of Rochelle salt, was built in 1917 and patented in 1918 by Alexander M.


Pierce and Louis Essen. Quartz crystal oscillators were developed for high-stability frequency references during the 1920s and 1930s.


Cady built the first quartz crystal oscillator in 1921. Other early innovators in quartz crystal oscillators include G.


In 1925, Westinghouse installed a crystal oscillator in its flagship station KDKA, and by 1926, quartz crystals were used to control the frequency of many broadcasting stations and were popular with amateur radio operators.


In 1925, Westinghouse installed a crystal oscillator in its flagship station KDKA, and by 1926, quartz crystals were used to control the frequency of many broadcasting stations and were popular with amateur radio operators.


In 1928, Warren Marrison of Bell Telephone Laboratories developed the first quartz-crystal clock.


Pierce and Louis Essen. Quartz crystal oscillators were developed for high-stability frequency references during the 1920s and 1930s.


Using what are now considered primitive methods, about 100,000 crystal units were produced in the United States during 1939.


With accuracies of up to 1 second in 30 years (30 ms/y, or 0.95 ns/s), quartz clocks replaced precision pendulum clocks as the world's most accurate timekeepers until atomic clocks were developed in the 1950s.

Shortages of crystals during the war caused by the demand for accurate frequency control of military and naval radios and radars spurred postwar research into culturing synthetic quartz, and by 1950 a hydrothermal process for growing quartz crystals on a commercial scale was developed at Bell Laboratories.


The average value of as-grown synthetic quartz in 1994 was ==== Types ==== Two types of quartz crystals exist: left-handed and right-handed.

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