Economy of Samoa


These three sources of revenue—tourism, private transfers, and official transfers—allow Samoa to cover its persistently large trade deficit. In the late 1960s, Potlatch Forests, Inc.

Asau, with the Potlatch sawmillers and Samoa Forest Products, was one of the busiest parts of Savai'i in the 1960s and 1970s; however, the departure of Potlatch and the scaling down of the sawmill has left Asau a


Asau, with the Potlatch sawmillers and Samoa Forest Products, was one of the busiest parts of Savai'i in the 1960s and 1970s; however, the departure of Potlatch and the scaling down of the sawmill has left Asau a


Tourism is an expanding sector; more than 70,000 tourists visited the islands in 1996 and 120,000 in 2014.


StarKist Management announced that it was going ahead with setting up at Asau a blast-freezer project to be operational by 2002.


Tourism is an expanding sector; more than 70,000 tourists visited the islands in 1996 and 120,000 in 2014.

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Page generated on 2021-08-05