Electronic switching system


In telecommunications, an electronic switching system (ESS) is a telephone switch that uses solid-state electronics, such as digital electronics) and computerized common control, to interconnect telephone circuits for the purpose of establishing telephone calls. The generations of telephone switches before the advent of electronic switching in the 1950s used purely electro-mechanical relay systems and analog voice paths.


The first generation of electronic switching systems in the 1960s were not entirely digital in nature, but used reed relay-operated metallic paths or crossbar switches operated by stored program control (SPC) systems. First announced in 1955, the first customer trial installation of an all-electronic central office commenced in Morris, Illinois in November 1960 by Bell Laboratories.


The first generation of electronic switching systems in the 1960s were not entirely digital in nature, but used reed relay-operated metallic paths or crossbar switches operated by stored program control (SPC) systems. First announced in 1955, the first customer trial installation of an all-electronic central office commenced in Morris, Illinois in November 1960 by Bell Laboratories.


The first large-scale electronic switching system was the Number One Electronic Switching System (1ESS) of the Bell System, cut over in Succasunna, New Jersey, in May 1965. The adoption of metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) and pulse-code modulation (PCM) technologies in the 1970s led to the transition from analog to digital telephony.


The first large-scale electronic switching system was the Number One Electronic Switching System (1ESS) of the Bell System, cut over in Succasunna, New Jersey, in May 1965. The adoption of metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) and pulse-code modulation (PCM) technologies in the 1970s led to the transition from analog to digital telephony.

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