

Before Popper's time, in 1906, being aware of the problems of falsification, Pierre Duhem reached the same conclusion.


He cited his encounter with psychoanalysis in the 1910s.


Arkansas case (in 1982), the Daubert case (in 1993) and other cases.


Arkansas case (in 1982), the Daubert case (in 1993) and other cases.


For Feyerabend, any special status that science might have, derives from the social and physical value of the results of science rather than its method. ===Sokal and Bricmont=== In their book Fashionable Nonsense (from 1997, published in the UK as Intellectual Impostures) the physicists Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont criticised falsifiability.


A survey of 303 federal judges conducted in 1998 found that "[P]roblems with the nonfalsifiable nature of an expert's underlying theory and difficulties with an unknown or too-large error rate were cited in less than 2% of cases." ==== McLean v.

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