

This accommodation on the part of Western Churches has the objective of allowing both East and West to once again to share a common understanding of the Creed as the traditional and fundamental statement of the Christian faith. ===Old Catholic Church=== Immediately after the Old Catholic Church separated from the Catholic Church in 1871, its theologians initiated contact with the Orthodox Church.


In 1874–75, representatives of the two churches held "union conferences" in Bonn with theologians of the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran Church in attendance in an unofficial capacity.


It was at these Bonn conferences that the Old Catholics became the first Western church to omit the Filioque from the Nicene Creed. ===Anglican Communion=== Three Lambeth Conferences (1888, 1978 and 1988) have recommended that the Filioque be dropped from the Nicene Creed by churches that belong to the Anglican Communion. The 1930 Lambeth Conference initiated formal theological dialogue between representatives of the Anglican and Orthodox churches.


London: Challoner, 1962.


Belmont, MA: Nordland Publishing Company, 1975. John St.


In 1976, the Agreed Statement of the Anglican-Orthodox Joint Doctrinal Commission recommended that the Filioque should be omitted from the Creed because its inclusion had been effected without the authority of an Ecumenical Council. In 1994, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church (US) resolved that the Filioque should be deleted from the Nicene Creed in the next edition of the Prayer Book.


It was at these Bonn conferences that the Old Catholics became the first Western church to omit the Filioque from the Nicene Creed. ===Anglican Communion=== Three Lambeth Conferences (1888, 1978 and 1988) have recommended that the Filioque be dropped from the Nicene Creed by churches that belong to the Anglican Communion. The 1930 Lambeth Conference initiated formal theological dialogue between representatives of the Anglican and Orthodox churches.

Paris: Beauschesne, 1978.


The Episcopal Book of Common Prayer was last revised in 1979, and has not been revised since the resolution. The Scottish Episcopal Church no longer prints the Filioque clause in its modern language liturgies. ===Protestantism=== Among 20th century Protestant theologians, Karl Barth was perhaps the staunchest defender of the Filioque doctrine.

The statement of agreement confirms the omission of the Filioque clause ===World Council of Churches=== In 1979, a study group of the World Council of Churches examined the Filioque question and recommended that "the original form of the Creed, without the Filioque, should everywhere be recognized as the normative one and restored, so that the whole Christian people may be able ...


Voronov, but was rejected by Lossky. In 1986, Theodore Stylianopoulos provided an extensive, scholarly overview of the contemporary discussion.


It was at these Bonn conferences that the Old Catholics became the first Western church to omit the Filioque from the Nicene Creed. ===Anglican Communion=== Three Lambeth Conferences (1888, 1978 and 1988) have recommended that the Filioque be dropped from the Nicene Creed by churches that belong to the Anglican Communion. The 1930 Lambeth Conference initiated formal theological dialogue between representatives of the Anglican and Orthodox churches.


New Rochelle, New York: 1992.


Accordingly, at its 1994 General Convention, the Episcopal Church reaffirmed its intention to remove the Filioque clause from the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed in the next revision of its Book of Common Prayer.

In 1976, the Agreed Statement of the Anglican-Orthodox Joint Doctrinal Commission recommended that the Filioque should be omitted from the Creed because its inclusion had been effected without the authority of an Ecumenical Council. In 1994, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church (US) resolved that the Filioque should be deleted from the Nicene Creed in the next edition of the Prayer Book.


As with many historic disputes, the two parties may not be discussing the same thing." In 1995, the pointed out an important difference in meaning between the Greek verb ἐκπορεύεσθαι and the Latin verb procedere, both of which are commonly translated as "proceed".

Crestwood, New York: 1995, pp.


Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1997. Smith, Malon H.


When quoting the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, as in the 2000 document Dominus Iesus, it does not include Filioque.


However, nearly a decade later, the WCC lamented that very few member churches had implemented this recommendation. ===Roman Catholic Church=== Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI have recited the Nicene Creed jointly with Patriarchs Demetrius I and Bartholomew I in Greek without the Filioque clause. ===Joint statement of Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic theologians=== The Filioque was discussed at the 62nd meeting of the North American Orthodox–Catholic Theological Consultation, in 2002.


In October 2003, the Consultation issued an agreed statement, The Filioque: a Church-dividing issue?, which provides an extensive review of Scripture, history, and theology.


Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp.

New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

"Ex Occidente Lux? Aquinas and Eastern Orthodox Theology", Modern Theology 20:1 (January 2004), 23–50.


This account in the 2005 publication concerning the citing by Eutyches of Ephesus I canon 7 in his defence was confirmed by Stephen H.


Electronic edition 2008. Groppe, Elizabeth Teresa.


Webb in his 2011 book Jesus Christ, Eternal God. Ephesus I canon 7, against additions to the Creed of Nicaea, is used as a polemic against the addition of Filioque to the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, In any case, while Ephesus I canon 7 forbade setting up a different creed as a rival to that of Nicaea I, it was the creed attributed to Constantinople I that was adopted liturgically in the East and later a Latin variant was adopted in the West.


Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 2014. Ware, Timothy (Kallistos).


This is the culmination of discussions which began in 2015.


The enthronement ceremonies of three recent archbishops of Canterbury (Robert Runcie, George Carey, Rowan Williams) included recitations of the Nicene Creed that omitted the Filioque; this has been considered to have been "a gesture of friendship toward Orthodox guests and their Communions". At the end of October 2017 theologians from the Anglican Communion and Oriental Orthodox Churches signed an agreement on the Holy Spirit.

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