Finite-state machine


McGraw-Hill, 1962. Ginsburg, S., An Introduction to Mathematical Machine Theory.

Addison-Wesley, 1962. === Finite-state machines (automata theory) in theoretical computer science === === Abstract state machines in theoretical computer science === === Machine learning using finite-state algorithms === === Hardware engineering: state minimization and synthesis of sequential circuits === === Finite Markov chain processes === :"We may think of a Markov chain as a process that moves successively through a set of states s1, s2, …, sr.


McGraw-Hill, 1978. Gill, A., Introduction to the Theory of Finite-state Machines.


Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1989. Kohavi, Z., Switching and Finite Automata Theory.


Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 1997, Tiziano Villa, Synthesis of Finite State Machines: Logic Optimization.

Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 1997, Carroll, J., Long, D., Theory of Finite Automata with an Introduction to Formal Languages.


Kluwer, 1999, . Timothy Kam, Synthesis of Finite State Machines: Functional Optimization.

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