He declined the offer of the chair of philosophy at the University of Geneva in 1723.
He assisted in the French language New Testament in 1726.
In 1727, he was granted citizenship in Geneva, and he accepted the office of honorary librarian to Geneva, the city of his adoption.
Firmin Abauzit (November 11, 1679March 20, 1767) was a French scholar who worked on physics, theology and philosophy, and served as librarian in Geneva (Republic of Geneva) during his final 40 years.
Here also was the city of his death past the age of 87, on March 20, 1767. ==Legacy== Abauzit was a man of great learning and of wonderful versatility.
A collection of his writings was published at Geneva in 1770 (Œuvres de feu M.
Abauzit), and another at London in 1773 (Œuvres diverses de M.
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