

NGC 1316 is a relatively close radio galaxy. ==History== The French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille first described the constellation in French as le Fourneau Chymique (the Chemical Furnace) with an alembic and receiver in his early catalogue, before abbreviating it to le Fourneau on his planisphere in 1752, after he had observed and catalogued almost 10,000 southern stars during a two-year stay at the Cape of Good Hope.


It was named by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1756.


Lacaille Latinised the name to Fornax Chimiae on his 1763 chart. ==Characteristics== The constellation Eridanus borders Fornax to the east, north and south, while Cetus, Sculptor and Phoenix gird it to the north, west and south respectively.


William Herschel discovered this galaxy on October 22, 1835. NGC 1386 is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Eridanus.


It was discovered by John Herschel on November 28, 1837.


Covering 397.5 square degrees and 0.964% of the night sky, it ranks 41st of the 88 constellations in size, The three-letter abbreviation for the constellation, as adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 1922, is "For".


The official constellation boundaries, as set by Belgian astronomer Eugène Delporte in 1930, are defined by a polygon of 8 segments (illustrated in infobox).


Observations published in 2007 showed that the atmosphere of LP 944-20 contains much lithium and that it has dusty clouds.


With a surface temperature of 1040–1100 K, it has 2.4–4.1% the mass of the Sun, a diameter 9.2 to 10.6% of that of the Sun, and an age of 0.4–1.7 billion years. Six star systems in Fornax have been found to have planets: Lambda2 Fornacis is a star about 1.2 times as massive as the Sun with a planet about as massive as Neptune, discovered by doppler spectroscopy in 2009.


In May 2019, it was announced to have at least 3 exoplanets as observed by transit method of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite. ===Deep-sky objects=== Local Group NGC 1049 is a globular cluster 500,000 light-years from Earth.

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Page generated on 2021-08-05