Frequentist probability


Despite Laplace's explicit and immediate disclaimer in the source, based on expertise in astronomy as well as probability, two centuries of criticism have followed. == History == The frequentist view may have been foreshadowed by Aristotle, in Rhetoric, when he wrote: Poisson clearly distinguished between objective and subjective probabilities in 1837.


Venn provided a thorough exposition (The Logic of Chance: An Essay on the Foundations and Province of the Theory of Probability (published editions in 1866, 1876, 1888)) two decades later.


Venn provided a thorough exposition (The Logic of Chance: An Essay on the Foundations and Province of the Theory of Probability (published editions in 1866, 1876, 1888)) two decades later.


Venn provided a thorough exposition (The Logic of Chance: An Essay on the Foundations and Province of the Theory of Probability (published editions in 1866, 1876, 1888)) two decades later.


While its roots reach centuries into the past, it reached maturity with the axioms of Andrey Kolmogorov in 1933.


Kendall in 1949, to contrast with Bayesians, whom he called "non-frequentists".

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