Human activity has included some mining and nuclear weapons testing. ==History== In 1875, British explorer Ernest Giles became the first European to cross the desert.
In 1891, David Lindsey's expedition traveled across this area from north to south.
Frank Hann was looking for gold in this area between 1903 and 1908.
Frank Hann was looking for gold in this area between 1903 and 1908.
Len Beadell explored the area in the 1960s. ==Flora== Only the hardiest of plants can survive in much of this environment.
However, the desert does sustain many types of lizards, including the vulnerable great desert skink (Egernia kintorei), the Central Ranges taipan (discovered in 2007), and a number of small marsupials, including the endangered sandhill dunnart (Sminthopsis psammophila) and the crest-tailed mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda).
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Page generated on 2021-08-05