

In the modern era, religious persecution of Hindus have been reported outside India in Pakistan and Bangladesh. ===Hindu nationalism=== Christophe Jaffrelot states that modern Hindu nationalism was born in Maharashtra, in the 1920s, as a reaction to the Islamic Khilafat Movement wherein Indian Muslims championed and took the cause of the Turkish Ottoman sultan as the Caliph of all Muslims, at the end of the World War I.


After the separation of India and Pakistan in 1947, the Hindu nationalism movement developed the concept of Hindutva in second half of the 20th century. The Hindu nationalism movement has sought to reform Indian laws, that critics say attempts to impose Hindu values on India's Islamic minority.


A Hindu may, by his or her choice, draw upon ideas of other Indian or non-Indian religious thought as a resource, follow or evolve his or her personal beliefs, and still identify as a Hindu. In 1995, Chief Justice P.


Thus, the Supreme Court was forced to consider the question whether Jainism is part of Hinduism in 2005 and 2006. ==History of Hindu identity== Starting after the 10th century and particularly after the 12th century Islamic invasion, states Sheldon Pollock, the political response fused with the Indic religious culture and doctrines.


Thus, the Supreme Court was forced to consider the question whether Jainism is part of Hinduism in 2005 and 2006. ==History of Hindu identity== Starting after the 10th century and particularly after the 12th century Islamic invasion, states Sheldon Pollock, the political response fused with the Indic religious culture and doctrines.


These together accounted for 99% of the world's Hindu population, and the remaining nations of the world together had about 6 million Hindus in 2010. ==Etymology== The word Hindu is an exonym.


The vast majority of Hindus, approximately 966 million (94.3% of world Hindu population), live in India, according to India's 2011 census.


Pew Research projects that there will be 1.161 billion Hindus by 2020. In more ancient times, Hindu kingdoms arose and spread the religion and traditions across Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand, Nepal, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, and what is now central Vietnam. Over 3 million Hindus are found in Bali Indonesia, a culture whose origins trace back to ideas brought by Tamil Hindu traders to Indonesian islands in the 1st millennium CE.

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Page generated on 2021-08-05