Huygens–Fresnel principle


The resolution is that the source is a dipole (not the monopole assumed by Huygens), which cancels in the reflected direction. In 1818, Fresnel showed that Huygens's principle, together with his own principle of interference could explain both the rectilinear propagation of light and also diffraction effects.


The new wavefront is found by constructing the surface tangent to the secondary wavelets. ==In other spatial dimensions== In 1900, Jacques Hadamard observed that Huygens' principle was broken when the number of spatial dimensions is even.


It was not until the early and mid-1900s that quantum theory discussions, particularly the early discussions at the 1927 Brussels Solvay Conference, where Louis de Broglie proposed his de Broglie hypothesis that the photon is guided by a wave function.


Copson, The Mathematical Theory of Huygens' Principle, Oxford, 1939, 1950; AMS Chelsea, 1987. Wave mechanics Diffraction Christiaan Huygens


Copson, The Mathematical Theory of Huygens' Principle, Oxford, 1939, 1950; AMS Chelsea, 1987. Wave mechanics Diffraction Christiaan Huygens


The wave function approach was further supported by additional double-slit experiments in Italy and Japan in the 1970s and 1980s with electrons. ===Huygens' principle and quantum field theory=== Huygens' principle can be seen as a consequence of the [space|homogeneity] of space—space is uniform in all locations.


The wave function approach was further supported by additional double-slit experiments in Italy and Japan in the 1970s and 1980s with electrons. ===Huygens' principle and quantum field theory=== Huygens' principle can be seen as a consequence of the [space|homogeneity] of space—space is uniform in all locations.


Copson, The Mathematical Theory of Huygens' Principle, Oxford, 1939, 1950; AMS Chelsea, 1987. Wave mechanics Diffraction Christiaan Huygens

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