Internet Engineering Task Force


Representatives from non-governmental entities were invited to attend starting with the fourth IETF meeting in October 1986.


This occurred at the 12th meeting held during January 1989.


These meetings have grown in both participation and scope a great deal since the early 1990s; it had a maximum attendance of 2,810 at the December 2000 IETF held in San Diego, California.


Since that time all IETF meetings have been open to the public. Initially, the IETF met quarterly, but from 1991, it has been meeting three times a year.


To date, no one has been removed by a NomCom, although several people have resigned their positions, requiring replacements. In 1993 the IETF changed from an activity supported by the US Federal Government to an independent, international activity associated with the Internet Society, an international membership-based non-profit organization.


These meetings have grown in both participation and scope a great deal since the early 1990s; it had a maximum attendance of 2,810 at the December 2000 IETF held in San Diego, California.

Attendance declined with industry restructuring during the early 2000s, and is currently around 1,200. The location for IETF meetings vary greatly.


It is open to all who want to participate and holds discussions on an open mailing list or at IETF meetings, where the entry fee in July 2014 was US$650 per person.

All text is taken from Wikipedia. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License .

Page generated on 2021-08-05