Max Horkheimer


Max Horkheimer (; ; 14 February 1895 – 7 July 1973) was a German philosopher and sociologist who was famous for his work in critical theory as a member of the Frankfurt School of social research.

Through the Frankfurt School, Horkheimer planned, supported and made other significant works possible. ==Biography== ===Early life=== On 14 February 1895, Horkheimer was born the only son of Moritz and Babetta Horkheimer.


Max was taken out of school in 1910 to work in the family business, where he eventually became a junior manager.


In 1917, his manufacturing career ended and his chances of taking over his family business were interrupted when he was drafted into World War I.


However, Horkheimer avoided service, being rejected on medical grounds. ===Education=== In the spring of 1919, after failing an army physical, Horkheimer enrolled at Munich University.


In 1925, Horkheimer was [with a dissertation entitled


Despite this, Max and Maidon would marry in 1926 and remain together until her death in 1969.


Despite this, Max and Maidon would marry in 1926 and remain together until her death in 1969.


Max Horkheimer (; ; 14 February 1895 – 7 July 1973) was a German philosopher and sociologist who was famous for his work in critical theory as a member of the Frankfurt School of social research.

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