Eric Drexler in his 1986 discussions of MNT, but superseded in 1992.
Improved transparency regarding technological capabilities may be another important facilitator for arms-control. A grey goo is another catastrophic scenario, which was proposed by Eric Drexler in his 1986 book Engines of Creation, has been analyzed by Freitas in "Some Limits to Global Ecophagy by Biovorous Nanoreplicators, with Public Policy Recommendations" and has been a theme in mainstream media and fiction.
Eric Drexler in his 1986 discussions of MNT, but superseded in 1992.
Few structures of practical interest seem likely to exhibit such a problem, however." In 1992, Drexler published Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation, a detailed proposal for synthesizing stiff covalent structures using a table-top factory.
An outline of a path was put forward in 1992 for building a table-top factory in the absence of an assembler.
Supporters of molecular nanotechnology frequently claim that no significant errors have been discovered in Nanosystems since 1992.
Advocates address the first doubt by pointing out that the first macroscale autonomous machine replicator, made of Lego blocks, was built and operated experimentally in 2002.
The DCB6 tooltip motif, initially described by Merkle and Freitas at a Foresight Conference in 2002, was the first complete tooltip ever proposed for diamond mechanosynthesis and remains the only tooltip motif that has been successfully simulated for its intended function on a full 200-atom diamond surface. The tooltips modeled in this work are intended to be used only in carefully controlled environments (e. g., vacuum).
Other researchers have begun advancing tentative, alternative proposed paths for this in the years since Nanosystems was published. ===Hard versus soft nanotechnology=== In 2004 Richard Jones wrote Soft Machines (nanotechnology and life), a book for lay audiences published by Oxford University.
In August 2005, a task force consisting of 50+ international experts from various fields was organized by the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology to study the societal implications of molecular nanotechnology. ==Projected applications and capabilities== ===Smart materials and nanosensors=== Any sort of material designed and engineered at the nanometer scale for a specific task is a smart material.
The roadmap was originally scheduled for completion by late 2006, but was released in January 2008.
National Academy of Sciences=== In 2006, U.S.
The roadmap was originally scheduled for completion by late 2006, but was released in January 2008.
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