For example, in 1732, the antiquarian Francis Peck published in Desiderata Curiosa a list of documents in his possession that he intended to print someday.
In 1857, the first book on the topic, The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded, by Delia Bacon, was published.
Since the 1920s, the Oxfordian theory has been the most popular alternative Shakespeare authorship theory. The convergence of documentary evidence of the type used by academics for authorial attribution – title pages, testimony by other contemporary poets and historians, and official records – sufficiently establishes Shakespeare's authorship for the overwhelming majority of Shakespeare scholars and literary historians, and no such documentary evidence links Oxford to Shakespeare's works.
Thomas Looney in his 1920 book Shakespeare Identified in Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford.
Looney began the process in his 1921 edition of de Vere's poetry.
London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1930. Roe, Richard Paul.
Allen developed the theory in his 1934 book Anne Cecil, Elizabeth & Oxford.
In The Shakespeare Claimants, a 1962 examination of the authorship question, H.
By 1968 the newsletter of The Shakespeare Oxford Society reported that "the missionary or evangelical spirit of most of our members seems to be at a low ebb, dormant, or non-existent".
In 1974, membership in the society stood at 80.
In 1979, the publication of an analysis of the Ashbourne portrait dealt a further blow to the movement.
Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece were dedicated to Southampton (whom many scholars have argued was the Fair Youth of the Sonnets), and the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays was dedicated to Montgomery (who married Susan de Vere) and Pembroke (who was once engaged to Bridget de Vere). ===Oxford's Bible=== In the late 1990s, Roger A.
Westport, Ct.: Praeger, 1994. Whittemore, Hank.
In 2004, May wrote that Oxford's poetry was "one man's contribution to the rhetorical mainstream of an evolving Elizabethan poetic" and challenged readers to distinguish any of it from "the output of his mediocre mid-century contemporaries".
London: Parapress, 2004. Rendall, Gerald H.
Meadow Geese Press (12 April 2005).
He also writes that the alleged encryptions settle the question of the identity of "the Fair Youth" as Henry Wriothesley and contain striking references to the sonnets themselves and de Vere's relationship to Sir Philip Sidney and Ben Jonson. Similarly, a 2009 article in the Oxfordian journal Brief Chronicles noted that Francis Meres, in Palladis Tamia compares 17 named English poets to 16 named classical poets.
and London: McFarland and Co., 2009 [first pub.
Grove Press (13 April 2010).
Seattle, WA: Cortical Output, LLC, 2010. Edmondson, Paul, and Wells, Stanley, eds.
Martin and Lawrence Press (1 December 2010).
Spurred by Ogburn's book, "[i]n the last decade of the twentieth century members of the Oxfordian camp gathered strength and made a fresh assault on the Shakespearean citadel, hoping finally to unseat the man from Stratford and install de Vere in his place." The Oxfordian theory returned to public attention in anticipation of the late October 2011 release of Roland Emmerich's drama film Anonymous.
Verisimilitude Press (6 September 2011) Austin, Al, and Judy Woodruff.
Munich: Dölling und Galitz, 2011.
New York, HarperCollins Publishers, 2011.
Cambridge University Press (27 May 2013). Hope, Warren, and Kim Holston.
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