

After the creation of the State of Israel, the exodus of 1948 and more so after the exodus of 1967, the term evolved into a sense of a shared future in the form of aspirations for a significantly-reduced Palestinian state.


Palestinian identity encompasses the heritage of all ages from biblical times up to the Ottoman period. Founded in 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is an umbrella organization for groups that represent the Palestinian people before international states.


After the creation of the State of Israel, the exodus of 1948 and more so after the exodus of 1967, the term evolved into a sense of a shared future in the form of aspirations for a significantly-reduced Palestinian state.


Since 1978, the United Nations has observed an annual International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.


The Palestinian National Authority, officially established in 1994 as a result of the Oslo Accords, is an interim administrative body nominally responsible for governance in Palestinian population centers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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Page generated on 2021-08-05