Paul Héroult


Halcomb installed the first Héroult furnace in the US. The invention of the electric arc furnace probably began when Humphry Davy discovered the carbon arc in 1800.


Paul (Louis-Toussaint) Héroult (10 April 1863 – 9 May 1914) was a French scientist.


Then in 1878 Carl Wilhelm Siemens patented, constructed and operated both direct and indirect EAFs.


Héroult wanted to make it cheaper. He succeeded in doing so when he discovered the electrolytic aluminium process in 1886. The same year, in the United States, Charles Martin Hall (1863–1914) was discovering the same process.


Because of this, the process was called the Hall–Heroult process. Héroult's second most important contribution is the first commercially successful electric arc furnace (EAF) for steel in 1900.


In 1905, Paul Héroult was invited to the United States as a technical adviser to several companies, and in particular to the United States Steel Corporation and the Halcomb Steel Company.


Paul (Louis-Toussaint) Héroult (10 April 1863 – 9 May 1914) was a French scientist.

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