

Music history places the end of the period in the year 1750 with the death of J.


Is it possible to use the term ‘Victorian’ outside Britain, and even within, does her reign of 1837–1901 usefully constitute a historical period? It sometimes is used when it is thought that its connotations usefully describe the politics, culture and economic conditions characteristic of the last two-thirds of the nineteenth century.


Some have a cultural usage (the "Gilded Age"), others refer to prominent historical events (‘the Inter-War years: 1918–1939’), yet others are defined by decimal numbering systems (‘the 1960s’, ‘the 17th century’).


Likewise it is very often said, as the historian Arthur Marwick has, that ‘the 1960s’ began in the late 1950s and ended in the early 1970s.


Some have a cultural usage (the "Gilded Age"), others refer to prominent historical events (‘the Inter-War years: 1918–1939’), yet others are defined by decimal numbering systems (‘the 1960s’, ‘the 17th century’).

Likewise, ‘the 1960s’, though technically applicable to anywhere in the world according to Common Era numbering, has a certain set of specific cultural connotations in certain countries.

For this reason it may be possible to say such things as “The 1960s never occurred in Spain”.

Likewise it is very often said, as the historian Arthur Marwick has, that ‘the 1960s’ began in the late 1950s and ended in the early 1970s.

This extended usage is termed the ‘long 1960s’.


Likewise it is very often said, as the historian Arthur Marwick has, that ‘the 1960s’ began in the late 1950s and ended in the early 1970s.

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Page generated on 2021-08-05