

The Greek And Armenian Versions With a Study of Translation Technique, Leuven–Dudley MA: Peeters, 2005 [Hebrew University Armenian Studies 6]); into Syriac [edited by Tychsen, Physiologus Syrus (Rostock, 1795), a later Syriac and an Arabic version edited by Land in Anecdota Syriaca, IV (Leyden, 1875)].

Tychsen Physiologus syrus, (Rostock, 1795) === Translations === Francis Carmody.


585596 (Rome, 1835) Michael J.


Heider, in Archiv für Kunde österreichischer Geschichtsquellen" (5, 541–82, Vienna, 1850) A.


85 seq (Paris, 1851), iii.


seq., 338 seq., 416, 535 (Paris, 1855) Meinolf Schumacher: "Der Biber – ein Asket? Zu einem metaphorischen Motiv aus Fabel und 'Physiologus'": Euphorion 86 (1992) pp. 347–353 (PDF) Ana Stoykova, The Slavic Physiologus of the Byzantine Recension: Electronic Text Edition and Comparative Study, 2011 O.


Crstt., pp. 180182, Hague, 1862); G.


Sprachproben (Berlin, 1867), vol.


Victor Carus, Gesch der Zoologie (Munich, 1872), p. 109 seq. Classici auctores I ed.


In the 5th century into Ethiopic [edited by Fritz Hommel with a German translation (Leipzig, 1877), revised German translation in Romanische Forschungen, V, 13-36]; into Armenian [edited by Pitra in Spicilegium Solesmense, III, 374–90; French translation by Cahier in Nouveaux Mélanges d'archéologie, d'histoire et de littérature (Paris, 1874)] (see also the recent edition: Gohar Muradyan, Physiologus.

Land, Anecdote syriaca (Leiden, 1874), iv.

(Amsterdam, 1874); Friedrich Lauchert, Geschichten des Physiologus (Strassburg, 1889) S.


The Greek And Armenian Versions With a Study of Translation Technique, Leuven–Dudley MA: Peeters, 2005 [Hebrew University Armenian Studies 6]); into Syriac [edited by Tychsen, Physiologus Syrus (Rostock, 1795), a later Syriac and an Arabic version edited by Land in Anecdota Syriaca, IV (Leyden, 1875)].


In the 5th century into Ethiopic [edited by Fritz Hommel with a German translation (Leipzig, 1877), revised German translation in Romanische Forschungen, V, 13-36]; into Armenian [edited by Pitra in Spicilegium Solesmense, III, 374–90; French translation by Cahier in Nouveaux Mélanges d'archéologie, d'histoire et de littérature (Paris, 1874)] (see also the recent edition: Gohar Muradyan, Physiologus.


In: Aarbøger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie (ANOH) 1889, pp. 199–290. S.

(Amsterdam, 1874); Friedrich Lauchert, Geschichten des Physiologus (Strassburg, 1889) S.


An Old Slavic (Old Bulgarian) translation was made in the 10th century [edited by Karneyev, , Sankt Peterburg, 1890]. Epiphanius used Physiologus in his Panarion and from his time numerous further quotations and references to the Physiologus in the Greek and the Latin Church fathers show that it was one of the most generally known works of Christian Late Antiquity.

Karneyev, (Sankt Peterburg, 1890). J.


As to the Italian bestiaries, a Tuscan-Venetian Bestiarius has been edited (Goldstaub and Wendriner, Ein tosco-venezianischer Bestiarius, Halle, 1892).


New Haven: Yale University Press, 1921. Michael J.

München: Musarionverl., 1921 Christian Schröder: Der Millstätter Physiologus.


San Francisco: The Book Club of California, 1953. A.


Putnam's Sons, 1954, 4/1960 French translation : Arnaud Zucker, Physiologos.


(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979).

Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979.


Actes du XVe colloque international de la Société Internationale Renardienne, Louvain-la-Neuve, 18-22 août 2003, B.


13 (Penn State University Press: 2004), pp. 17–55. Emil Peters: Der griechische Physiologus und seine orientalischen Übersetzungen (Festschriften der Gesellschaft für deutsche Philologie ; 15).

Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar (Würzburger Beiträge zur deutschen Philologie ; 24; zugl.: Würzburg, Univ., Diss., 2004).


The Greek And Armenian Versions With a Study of Translation Technique, Leuven–Dudley MA: Peeters, 2005 [Hebrew University Armenian Studies 6]); into Syriac [edited by Tychsen, Physiologus Syrus (Rostock, 1795), a later Syriac and an Arabic version edited by Land in Anecdota Syriaca, IV (Leyden, 1875)].

Van den Abeele (ed.), Louvain-la-Neuve, 2005 (Textes, études, congrès 21), p. 141-167 |pdf :érations_sur_l_illustration_du_Physiologus_grec_ Maetzner, Altengl.

Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2005 T.

Texte traduit du grec, introduit et commenté par Arnaud Zucker, Jérôme Millon, 2005 (Series Atopia).


seq., 338 seq., 416, 535 (Paris, 1855) Meinolf Schumacher: "Der Biber – ein Asket? Zu einem metaphorischen Motiv aus Fabel und 'Physiologus'": Euphorion 86 (1992) pp. 347–353 (PDF) Ana Stoykova, The Slavic Physiologus of the Byzantine Recension: Electronic Text Edition and Comparative Study, 2011 O.


La réécriture de l'histoire naturelle antique (Firenze, 2016, Micrologus Library 77) - pdf:[] Stavros Lazaris: ″Quelques considérations sur l'illustration du Physiologus grec″, in: Bestiaires médiévaux : Nouvelles perspectives sur les manuscrits et les traditions textuelles.

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