Politics of Uruguay


Sponsored by the United Kingdom, the 1828 Treaty of Montevideo built the foundations for a Uruguayan state and constitution.


All this legislation, which was well advanced at the time, made Uruguay a progressive social democracy. ==Constitution== Uruguay adopted its first constitution in 1830, following the conclusion of a three-year war in which Argentina and Uruguay fought as a regional federation: the United Provinces of Río de la Plata.


In 1842, the newspaper Le Messager devoted a special issue to the memory of Charles Fourier.


In 1875, workers founded an Internationale. At the beginning of the 20th century, Uruguay became the most politically and socially advanced state on the continent.


The liberal José Batlle y Ordóñez (in power between 1903 and 1907, then between 1911 and 1915) was the main architect of this transformation; freedom of expression and the press was affirmed, as well as that of suffrage.


The liberal José Batlle y Ordóñez (in power between 1903 and 1907, then between 1911 and 1915) was the main architect of this transformation; freedom of expression and the press was affirmed, as well as that of suffrage.


The liberal José Batlle y Ordóñez (in power between 1903 and 1907, then between 1911 and 1915) was the main architect of this transformation; freedom of expression and the press was affirmed, as well as that of suffrage.


The liberal José Batlle y Ordóñez (in power between 1903 and 1907, then between 1911 and 1915) was the main architect of this transformation; freedom of expression and the press was affirmed, as well as that of suffrage.


A constitution proposed under the military dictatorship government was rejected by a referendum in 1980. == Executive branch == Uruguay's Constitution of 1967 created a strong presidency, subject to legislative and judicial balance.


Many of these provisions were suspended in 1973 but reestablished in 1985.


A constitution proposed under the military dictatorship government was rejected by a referendum in 1980. == Executive branch == Uruguay's Constitution of 1967 created a strong presidency, subject to legislative and judicial balance.


Many of these provisions were suspended in 1973 but reestablished in 1985.


The 2004 election, however, brought the Encuentro Progresista-Frente Amplio-Nueva Mayoría, a coalition of socialists, former Tupamaros, communists, social democrats, and Christian Democrats among others to power with majorities in both houses of parliament.


A majority vote elected President Tabaré Vázquez. In 2009, the Broad Front once again won the elections with a plurality of the votes.


The current president since 1 March 2020 is Luis Lacalle Pou, the son of the 36th president, Luis Alberto Lacalle.

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Page generated on 2021-08-05