Religious affiliations of presidents of the United States


By 1800, most Congregationalist churches in Boston had Unitarian preachers teaching the strict unity of God, the subordinate nature of Christ, and salvation by character.


John's Episcopal Church (built 1815–1816) just across Lafayette Square and north of the White House, is the church nearest to the White House, and its services have been attended at least once by nearly every president since James Madison (1809–1817).


In college and early adulthood he preferred trinitarian theology, and from 1818 to 1848 he served as vice president of the American Bible Society.


In college and early adulthood he preferred trinitarian theology, and from 1818 to 1848 he served as vice president of the American Bible Society.


In a letter dated May 27, 1865, Colonel Nicolay says: "Mr.


He did leave a note for his wife in which he hoped to meet her again in a better world. * In his 1875 State of the Union address, during conflicts over Catholic parochial schooling, Grant called for a constitutional amendment that would require all states to establish free public schools while "forbidding the teaching in said schools of religious, atheistic, or pagan tenets; and prohibiting the granting of any school funds or school taxes ...


Arthur – Episcopalian * His father was a Baptist preacher. * Upon his wife's death in 1880, he commissioned a memorial window for the south transept of St.


Hayes – Unspecified Protestant * Hayes came from a Presbyterian family, but attended Methodist schools as a youth. * Many sources list him as Methodist; in general, however, it is agreed that he held himself to be a Christian, but of no specific church. *In his diary entry for May 17, 1890, he states: "Writing a few words for Mohonk Negro Conference, I find myself using the word Christian.

Eisenhower – Presbyterian * Eisenhower's religious upbringing is the subject of some controversy, due to the conversion of his parents to the Bible Student movement, the forerunner of the Jehovah's Witnesses, in the late 1890s.


Another Episcopal church, Washington National Cathedral, chartered by Congress in 1893, has hosted many funeral and memorial services of presidents and other dignitaries, as well as the site of interfaith presidential prayer services after their inaugurations, and the burial place of Woodrow Wilson. Presidential proclamations, from the earliest days, have often been laden with religious if not explicitly Christian language.


==External links=='s list Abraham Lincoln was a Deist Six Historic Americans by John Remsburg, 1906, examines religious views of Paine, Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Lincoln, and Grant U.S.


He continued to teach Sunday school and serve as a deacon in his local Baptist church. Ronald Reagan – Presbyterian * Reagan's father was Catholic, but Reagan was raised in his mother's Disciples of Christ denomination and was baptized there on September 21, 1922.


In her affidavit signed under oath in Essex County, New Jersey, February 15, 1928, she said, "After Mr.


However, a Washington Post article dated February 27, 1929, stated that he planned to swear, rather than affirm, the oath. Franklin D.


Nancy and Ronald Reagan were married in the Disciples of Christ "Little Brown Church" in Studio City, California on March 4, 1952.


Beginning in 1963 Reagan generally attended Presbyterian church services at Bel Air Presbyterian Church, Bel-Air, California.


Bush – Methodist * Bush was raised in the Episcopal Church but converted to Methodism upon his marriage in 1977. Barack Obama – Unspecified Protestant *Obama's resignation from Trinity United Church of Christ in the course of the Jeremiah Wright controversy ended more than 20 years of affiliation with the United Church of Christ.

In his childhood Obama sometimes attended Sunday school at the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu. Donald Trump – Unspecified Protestant *Trump said in 2015 that he attends Reformed Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan, where he married his first wife Ivana in 1977, although the church says that he is not an "active member".


Ford – Episcopalian Jimmy Carter – Baptist * In 2000, Carter criticized the Southern Baptist Convention, disagreeing over the role of women in society.


But then came Ford's Theater." (p. 59, Published by Coral Ridge Ministries, 2003) Though this is possible, we have no way of verifying the truth of the report.


Holmes, The Faiths of the Founding Fathers, Oxford University Press, May 2006.


In his childhood Obama sometimes attended Sunday school at the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu. Donald Trump – Unspecified Protestant *Trump said in 2015 that he attends Reformed Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan, where he married his first wife Ivana in 1977, although the church says that he is not an "active member".


Trump has also had a long association with Paula White, an evangelical minister whom he has called his "personal pastor." White delivered the invocation prayer at Trump's 2017 inauguration and joined the White House staff in 2019 to work on religious outreach issues.


Trump has also had a long association with Paula White, an evangelical minister whom he has called his "personal pastor." White delivered the invocation prayer at Trump's 2017 inauguration and joined the White House staff in 2019 to work on religious outreach issues.

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