René Descartes


Although the National Convention in 1792 had planned to transfer his remains to the Panthéon, he was reburied in the Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés in 1819, missing a finger and the skull.


Although the National Convention in 1792 had planned to transfer his remains to the Panthéon, he was reburied in the Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés in 1819, missing a finger and the skull.


Leibniz's copy, also lost, was rediscovered circa 1860 in Hannover. 1630–1631.


Rediscovered in 1895 and published for the first time in 1896.


Rediscovered in 1895 and published for the first time in 1896.


This was the third letter by Descartes found in the last 25 years. ===Collected editions=== Oeuvres de Descartes edited by Charles Adam and Paul Tannery, Paris: Léopold Cerf, 1897–1913, 13 volumes; new revised edition, Paris: Vrin-CNRS, 1964–1974, 11 volumes (the first 5 volumes contains the correspondence).


Latham (Chicago: Open Court, 1925). 1641.


by Norman Kemp Smith at Studies in the Cartesian philosophy (1902) by Norman Kemp Smith at The Philosophical Works Of Descartes Volume II (1934) at Descartes featured on the 100 French Franc banknote from 1942. Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi su Descartes e il Seicento Livre Premier, La Géométrie, online and analyzed by A.


This was the third letter by Descartes found in the last 25 years. ===Collected editions=== Oeuvres de Descartes edited by Charles Adam and Paul Tannery, Paris: Léopold Cerf, 1897–1913, 13 volumes; new revised edition, Paris: Vrin-CNRS, 1964–1974, 11 volumes (the first 5 volumes contains the correspondence).


The best critical edition, which includes the Dutch translation of 1684, is edited by Giovanni Crapulli (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1966). c.


Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1972. 1637.


There is an English translation by Michael Mahoney (New York: Dover, 1979). 1641.


An annotated bilingual edition (Latin with French translation), edited by Jean-Marie Beyssade, was published in 1981 (Paris: PUF). 1649.


Miller: (Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1982). 1648.


Cottingham, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. 1649.

Voss (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1989).


Cottingham, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.


Heffernan (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 1998). 1633.


Olscamp, Revised edition (Indianapolis: Hackett, 2001). 1637.


Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Serfati, Michel, 2005, "Géometrie" in Ivor Grattan-Guinness, ed., Landmark Writings in Western Mathematics.


"Demons of Descartes and Hobbes." Paranoia and Modernity: Cervantes to Rousseau (Cornell UP, 2006), chapter 7. Gillespie, A.


Ejercicios de hermenéutica cartesiana, Anthropos, Barcelona, 2007 Negri, Antonio (2007) The Political Descartes, Verso. Sasaki Chikara (2003).


In a 2009 book, German philosopher Theodor Ebert argues that Descartes was poisoned by a Catholic missionary who opposed his religious views. As a Catholic in a Protestant nation, he was interred in a graveyard used mainly for orphans in Adolf Fredriks kyrka in Stockholm.

Règles pour la direction de l'esprit, 2016. * III: Discours de la Méthode et Essais, 2009. * VIII.1: Correspondance, 1 edited by Jean-Robert Armogathe, 2013. * VIII.2: Correspondance, 2 edited by Jean-Robert Armogathe, 2013. René Descartes.

Opere 1637–1649, Milano, Bompiani, 2009, pp. 2531.

Opere 1650–2009, Milano, Bompiani, 2009, pp. 1723.

Tutte le lettere 1619–1650, Milano, Bompiani, 2009 IIa ed., pp. 3104.


The third edition, in 1667, was the most complete; Clerselier omitted, however, much of the material pertaining to mathematics. In January 2010, a previously unknown letter from Descartes, dated 27 May 1641, was found by the Dutch philosopher Erik-Jan Bos when browsing through Google.

. Moreno Romo, Juan Carlos, Vindicación del cartesianismo radical, Anthropos, Barcelona, 2010. Moreno Romo, Juan Carlos (Coord.), Descartes vivo.


[This edition is traditionally cited with the initials AT (for Adam and Tannery) followed by a volume number in Roman numerals; thus AT VII refers to Oeuvres de Descartes volume 7.] Étude du bon sens, La recherche de la vérité et autres écrits de jeunesse (1616–1631) edited by Vincent Carraud and Gilles Olivo, Paris: PUF, 2013. Descartes, Œuvres complètes, new edition by Jean-Marie Beyssade and Denis Kambouchner, Paris: Gallimard, published volumes: * I: Premiers écrits.

Règles pour la direction de l'esprit, 2016. * III: Discours de la Méthode et Essais, 2009. * VIII.1: Correspondance, 1 edited by Jean-Robert Armogathe, 2013. * VIII.2: Correspondance, 2 edited by Jean-Robert Armogathe, 2013. René Descartes.


Lettere 1619–1648, Milano, Bompiani, 2015 pp. 1696.

by Giulia Beglioioso and Jean Robert-Armogathe, Milano, Bompiani, 2015 pp. 1696.


Règles pour la direction de l'esprit, 2016. * III: Discours de la Méthode et Essais, 2009. * VIII.1: Correspondance, 1 edited by Jean-Robert Armogathe, 2013. * VIII.2: Correspondance, 2 edited by Jean-Robert Armogathe, 2013. René Descartes.


Descartes' demon: A dialogical analysis of 'Meditations on First Philosophy.' Theory & Psychology, 16, 761–781. Heidegger, Martin [1938] (2002) The Age of the World Picture in Off the beaten track pp. 57–85 Monnoyeur, Françoise (November 2017), Matière et espace dans le système cartésien, Paris, Harmattan, 266 pages.

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