Res ipsa loquitur


Gray during gallbladder surgery in June 1947, and despite her chronic complaints about stomach pain over the years, the device was not found until an X-ray in March 1953, when it was removed.


Gray during gallbladder surgery in June 1947, and despite her chronic complaints about stomach pain over the years, the device was not found until an X-ray in March 1953, when it was removed.


Li Chuen Tat, 1988). The requirement of control is important in English law.


Eaton, 575 A2d 858 (NJ 1990).


The Virginia Supreme Court stated in 1996: "Almost 60 years ago, this Court, discussing res ipsa loquitur, said: 'In Virginia the doctrine, if not entirely abolished, has been limited and restricted to a very material extent.' City of Richmond v.


It was part of the commentary in a train collision in California in 2008: "If two trains are in the same place at the same time, someone was negligent." In some states, the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur is also used as a method of proving the intent or mens rea element of the inchoate crime of attempt.

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Page generated on 2021-08-05