Societas Europaea


Here a political agreement proved impossible until the Nice summit in December 2000.

With regard to occupational pension schemes, the SE is covered by the provisions laid down in the proposal for a directive on institutions for occupational schemes, presented by the Commission in October 2000, in particular in connection with the possibility of introducing a single pension scheme for all their employees in the European Union. ==Development== Two approaches have been attempted to solve the problems cited above.


Kalss, The Societas Europaea in Relation to the Public Corporation of Five Member States (France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Austria), European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) 2002, pp.


SE) is a public company registered in accordance with the corporate law of the European Union (EU), introduced in 2004 with the Council Regulation on the Statute for a European Company.


2009 (available in French and English, see External links hereunder). Catherine Cathiard and Frédéric Lemos, managing director of Foncière LFPI, "First cross-border transfers of seat of European Companies in France : the experience of Foncière LFPI", JCP E n° 1, January 2009 (available in French). Catherine Cathiard and Patrick Thourot, co general manager of Scor, "La Société Européenne : bilan, perspectives et retour d’expérience", ACTES PRATIQUES & Ingénierie Sociétaire, n°102, nov-déc.


In terms of registrations, the Czech Republic is vastly overrepresented, accounting for 79% of all Societates Europaeae as of December 2015.

9 of the 50 constituents of the Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index of leading eurozone companies are as of December 2015 Societates Europaeae. Annual registrations by member state are presented in the following chart: Registrations of new societates are to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.


This has been due to the difficulties of agreeing on common European rules on these issues. ==Registrations== As of 11 April 2018, 3,015 registrations have been made.

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Page generated on 2021-08-05