Spaced repetition


Mace in 1932: "Perhaps the most important discoveries are those which relate to the appropriate distribution of the periods of study...Acts of revision should be spaced in gradually increasing intervals, roughly intervals of one day, two days, four days, eight days, and so on." In 1939, H.


Mace in 1932: "Perhaps the most important discoveries are those which relate to the appropriate distribution of the periods of study...Acts of revision should be spaced in gradually increasing intervals, roughly intervals of one day, two days, four days, eight days, and so on." In 1939, H.


This early work went unnoticed, and the field was relatively quiet until the late 1960s when cognitive psychologists, including Melton and Landauer and Bjork, explored manipulation of repetition timing as a means to improve recall.


sharing courses. ==== List of spaced repetition software programs ==== A few of the many spaced repetition software programs are: Anki Brainscape Cerego Course Hero Duolingo Lingvist Memrise Mnemosyne NeuraCache Picmonic Pimsleur Language Programs Pleco Software Readwise SuperMemo Synap WordTester === Flash cards === The Leitner system is a widely used method of efficiently using flashcards that was proposed by the German science journalist Sebastian Leitner in the 1970s.


With the repetition of seeing the person's name and face they were able to associate the name and face of that individual shown with the expansion of time due to the spaced repetition. Schacter, Rich, and Stampp in 1985 furthered the research to include people suffering from amnesia and other memory disorders.


The findings showed that using spaced repetition can not only help students with name face association but individuals dealing with memory diseases. In 1989, C. J.


The technique has been successful in helping dementia patients remembering particular objects' names, daily tasks, name face association, information about themselves, and many other facts and behaviors (Small, 2012).

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