The Golden Turkey Awards


Another film in the book, the now-lost 1974 porn film Him, has also been cited as the hoax, though it is known to have existed. No formal clarification of the hoax film was provided by the subsequent release, The Hollywood Hall of Shame.


Nevertheless, we have researched the subject thoroughly—sitting through more than 2,000 wretched films in the last few years—and we believe that our nominees and award winners can stand the test of time." The Medveds had previously celebrated bad cinema in the 1978 The Fifty Worst Films of All Time, many of which were also featured in the various Golden Turkey Awards categories.


The Golden Turkey Awards is a 1980 book by film critic Michael Medved and his brother Harry. ==About== The book awards "Golden Turkey Awards" to films judged by the authors as poor in quality, and to directors and actors judged to have created a chronically inept body of work.


The Hollywood Hall of Shame: The Most Expensive Flops in Movie History, 1984, , (paperback) Medved, Harry and Michael.


They also published a sequel to The Golden Turkey Awards, Son of Golden Turkey Awards, in 1986.

Son of Golden Turkey Awards, 1986, Villard Books.

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