

In the abortive Uva-Welessa revolt of 1817–1818 of the British times, led by Keppetipola Disawe, the Veddas too fought with the rebels against the British forces. ==Current status== Some observers have said Veddas are disappearing and have lamented the decline of their distinct culture.


When a systematic field study was conducted in 1959 it was determined that the language was confined to the older generation of Veddas from Dambana.


Between 1977 and 1983 under the Accelerated Mahaweli Development Project and colonization schemes, approximately 51468 hectares were turned into a gigantic hydroelectric dam irrigation project.

Wiveca Stegeborn, an anthropologist, has been studying the Vedda since 1977 and alleges that their young women are being tricked into accepting contracts to the Middle East as domestic workers when in fact they will be [trafficking|trafficked] into prostitution or sold as sex slaves. However, cultural assimilation of Veddas with other local populations has been going on for a long time.


Between 1977 and 1983 under the Accelerated Mahaweli Development Project and colonization schemes, approximately 51468 hectares were turned into a gigantic hydroelectric dam irrigation project.


In 1985, the Veddha Chief Thissahamy and his delegation were obstructed from attending the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations.


In the 1990s, self-identifying Veddas knew few words and phrases in the Vedda language, but there were individuals who knew the language comprehensively.


A 2011 study on dental characteristics suggested a close relation between Vedda and other South Asians as well as to western Eurasian populations.


A 2012 study on crania showed the Vedda to have close affinities with other South Asian populations such as other Sri Lankans, South Indians, and Punjabis and to differ significantly from Andaman islanders. A 2013 craniometric study by Raghavan et al.


A 2012 study on crania showed the Vedda to have close affinities with other South Asian populations such as other Sri Lankans, South Indians, and Punjabis and to differ significantly from Andaman islanders. A 2013 craniometric study by Raghavan et al.

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Page generated on 2021-08-05