Wiki software


"WikiWikiWeb" was also the name of the wiki that ran on the software, and in the first years of wikis' existence there was no great distinction made between the contents of wikis and the software they ran on, possibly because almost every wiki ran on its own customized software. Wiki software originated from older version control systems used for documentation and software in the 1980s.


They vary in the platforms they run on, the programming language they were developed in, whether they are open-source or proprietary, their support for natural language characters and conventions, and their assumptions about technical versus social control of editing. == History == The first generally recognized "wiki" application, WikiWikiWeb, was created by American computer programmer Ward Cunningham in 1994 and launched on in 1995.


They vary in the platforms they run on, the programming language they were developed in, whether they are open-source or proprietary, their support for natural language characters and conventions, and their assumptions about technical versus social control of editing. == History == The first generally recognized "wiki" application, WikiWikiWeb, was created by American computer programmer Ward Cunningham in 1994 and launched on in 1995.


After 2005, there began to be a move toward increasing consolidation and standardization: many less-popular wiki applications were gradually abandoned, and fewer new applications were created.


Relatively few of the wiki engines currently in use were created after 2006. The idea of having wiki functionality is now seen as desirable generally and some aspects of wiki functionality has also been added to existing content management systems, such as Microsoft SharePoint.


Among public wikis, MediaWiki is the dominant software: it powers the world's most popular (as per August, 2015) public wiki, Wikipedia (free), as well as the most popular wiki farm, Fandom (commercial), and it is the most popular software in use on other public wikis as well.

All text is taken from Wikipedia. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License .

Page generated on 2021-08-05