

In 1785 he presented a paper to the Royal Society of London describing the effects of passing electrical currents through a partially evacuated glass tube, producing a glow created by X-rays.


They were noticed by scientists investigating cathode rays produced by such tubes, which are energetic electron beams that were first observed in 1869.


Many of the early Crookes tubes (invented around 1875) undoubtedly radiated X-rays, because early researchers noticed effects that were attributable to them, as detailed below.


It has been suggested that at least some of these "Lenard rays" were actually X-rays. In 1889 Ukrainian-born Ivan Puluj, a lecturer in experimental physics at the Prague Polytechnic who since 1877 had been constructing various designs of gas-filled tubes to investigate their properties, published a paper on how sealed photographic plates became dark when exposed to the emanations from the tubes. Hermann von Helmholtz formulated mathematical equations for X-rays.


From 1886 to 1888 he had studied in the Hermann Helmholtz laboratory in Berlin, where he became familiar with the cathode rays generated in vacuum tubes when a voltage was applied across separate electrodes, as previously studied by Heinrich Hertz and Philipp Lenard.


From 1886 to 1888 he had studied in the Hermann Helmholtz laboratory in Berlin, where he became familiar with the cathode rays generated in vacuum tubes when a voltage was applied across separate electrodes, as previously studied by Heinrich Hertz and Philipp Lenard.

His letter of January 6, 1893 (describing his discovery as "electric photography") to The Physical Review was duly published and an article entitled Without Lens or Light, Photographs Taken With Plate and Object in Darkness appeared in the San Francisco Examiner. Starting in 1888, Philipp Lenard conducted experiments to see whether cathode rays could pass out of the Crookes tube into the air.


It has been suggested that at least some of these "Lenard rays" were actually X-rays. In 1889 Ukrainian-born Ivan Puluj, a lecturer in experimental physics at the Prague Polytechnic who since 1877 had been constructing various designs of gas-filled tubes to investigate their properties, published a paper on how sealed photographic plates became dark when exposed to the emanations from the tubes. Hermann von Helmholtz formulated mathematical equations for X-rays.


His letter of January 6, 1893 (describing his discovery as "electric photography") to The Physical Review was duly published and an article entitled Without Lens or Light, Photographs Taken With Plate and Object in Darkness appeared in the San Francisco Examiner. Starting in 1888, Philipp Lenard conducted experiments to see whether cathode rays could pass out of the Crookes tube into the air.


However, he did not work with actual X-rays. In 1894 Nikola Tesla noticed damaged film in his lab that seemed to be associated with Crookes tube experiments and began investigating this radiant energy of "invisible" kinds.


In many languages, X-radiation is referred to as Röntgen radiation, after the German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who discovered it on November 8, 1895.

Spellings of X-ray(s) in English include the variants x-ray(s), xray(s), and X ray(s). ==History== ===Pre-Röntgen observations and research=== Before their discovery in 1895, X-rays were just a type of unidentified radiation emanating from experimental discharge tubes.

After Röntgen identified the X-ray, Tesla began making X-ray images of his own using high voltages and tubes of his own design, as well as Crookes tubes. ===Discovery by Röntgen=== On November 8, 1895, German physics professor Wilhelm Röntgen stumbled on X-rays while experimenting with Lenard tubes and Crookes tubes and began studying them.

He wrote an initial report "On a new kind of ray: A preliminary communication" and on December 28, 1895 submitted it to Würzburg's Physical-Medical Society journal.

While the shooting itself had not been lethal, gangrene had developed along the path of the bullet, and McKinley died of septic shock due to bacterial infection six days later. ===Hazards discovered=== With the widespread experimentation with x‑rays after their discovery in 1895 by scientists, physicians, and inventors came many stories of burns, hair loss, and worse in technical journals of the time.

Brandes, in an experiment a short time after Röntgen's landmark 1895 paper, reported after dark adaptation and placing his eye close to an X-ray tube, seeing a faint "blue-gray" glow which seemed to originate within the eye itself.


Röntgen's biographer Otto Glasser estimated that, in 1896 alone, as many as 49 essays and 1044 articles about the new rays were published.

Along with his 28 December Physical-Medical Society submission he sent a letter to physicians he knew around Europe (January 1, 1896).

Through February there were 46 experimenters taking up the technique in North America alone. The first use of X-rays under clinical conditions was by John Hall-Edwards in Birmingham, England on 11 January 1896, when he radiographed a needle stuck in the hand of an associate.

On February 14, 1896, Hall-Edwards was also the first to use X-rays in a surgical operation.

In early 1896, several weeks after Röntgen's discovery, Ivan Romanovich Tarkhanov irradiated frogs and insects with X-rays, concluding that the rays "not only photograph, but also affect the living function". The first medical X-ray made in the United States was obtained using a discharge tube of Pului's design.

In January 1896, on reading of Röntgen's discovery, Frank Austin of Dartmouth College tested all of the discharge tubes in the physics laboratory and found that only the Pului tube produced X-rays.

On February 5, 1896, live imaging devices were developed by both Italian scientist Enrico Salvioni (his "cryptoscope") and Professor McGie of Princeton University (his "Skiascope"), both using barium platinocyanide.

In May 1896 he developed the first mass-produced live imaging device, his "Vitascope", later called the fluoroscope, which became the standard for medical X-ray examinations.

In February 1896, Professor John Daniel and Dr.

A child who had been shot in the head was brought to the Vanderbilt laboratory in 1896.

The tube was fastened at the other side at a distance of one-half inch from the hair." In August 1896 Dr.


During the time the fluoroscope was being developed, Serbian American physicist Mihajlo Pupin, using a calcium tungstate screen developed by Edison, found that using a fluorescent screen decreased the exposure time it took to create an X-ray for medical imaging from an hour to a few minutes. In 1901, U.S.


Edison dropped X-ray research around 1903, before the death of Clarence Madison Dally, one of his glassblowers.


Dally had a habit of testing X-ray tubes on his own hands, developing a cancer in them so tenacious that both arms were amputated in a futile attempt to save his life; in 1904, he became the first known death attributed to X-ray exposure.

However, the mica had a limited life, and the restoration process was difficult to control. In 1904, John Ambrose Fleming invented the thermionic diode, the first kind of vacuum tube.


Many physicians claimed there were no effects from X-ray exposure at all. On August 3, 1905, in San Francisco, California, Elizabeth Fleischman, an American X-ray pioneer, died from complications as a result of her work with X-rays. ===20th century and beyond=== The many applications of X-rays immediately generated enormous interest.


This idea was quickly applied to X-ray tubes, and hence heated-cathode X-ray tubes, called "Coolidge tubes", completely replaced the troublesome cold cathode tubes by about 1920. In about 1906, the physicist Charles Barkla discovered that X-rays could be scattered by gases, and that each element had a characteristic X-ray spectrum.


Then in 1908, he had to have his left arm amputated because of the spread of X-ray dermatitis on his arm. Medical science also used the motion picture to study human physiology.


He won the 1917 Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery. In 1912, Max von Laue, Paul Knipping, and Walter Friedrich first observed the diffraction of X-rays by crystals.


This discovery, along with the early work of Paul Peter Ewald, William Henry Bragg, and William Lawrence Bragg, gave birth to the field of X-ray crystallography. In 1913, Henry Moseley performed crystallography experiments with X-rays emanating from various metals and formulated Moseley's law which relates the frequency of the X-rays to the atomic number of the metal. The Coolidge X-ray tube was invented the same year by William D.

In 1913, a motion picture was made in Detroit showing a hard-boiled egg inside a human stomach.


In 1920, it was used to record the movements of tongue and teeth in the study of languages by the Institute of Phonetics in England. In 1914 Marie Curie developed radiological cars to support soldiers injured in World War I.


He won the 1917 Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery. In 1912, Max von Laue, Paul Knipping, and Walter Friedrich first observed the diffraction of X-rays by crystals.


In 1918, x-rays were used in association with motion picture cameras to capture the human skeleton in motion.


Workshops began making specialized versions of Crookes tubes for generating X-rays and these first-generation cold cathode or Crookes X-ray tubes were used until about 1920. A typical early 20th century medical x-ray system consisted of a Ruhmkorff coil connected to a cold cathode Crookes X-ray tube.

This idea was quickly applied to X-ray tubes, and hence heated-cathode X-ray tubes, called "Coolidge tubes", completely replaced the troublesome cold cathode tubes by about 1920. In about 1906, the physicist Charles Barkla discovered that X-rays could be scattered by gases, and that each element had a characteristic X-ray spectrum.

In 1920, it was used to record the movements of tongue and teeth in the study of languages by the Institute of Phonetics in England. In 1914 Marie Curie developed radiological cars to support soldiers injured in World War I.

The cars would allow for rapid X-ray imaging of wounded soldiers so battlefield surgeons could quickly and more accurately operate. From the early 1920s through to the 1950s, X-ray machines were developed to assist in the fitting of shoes and were sold to commercial shoe stores.


The cars would allow for rapid X-ray imaging of wounded soldiers so battlefield surgeons could quickly and more accurately operate. From the early 1920s through to the 1950s, X-ray machines were developed to assist in the fitting of shoes and were sold to commercial shoe stores.

Concerns regarding the impact of frequent or poorly controlled use were expressed in the 1950s, leading to the practice's eventual end that decade. The X-ray microscope was developed during the 1950s. The Chandra X-ray Observatory, launched on July 23, 1999, has been allowing the exploration of the very violent processes in the universe which produce X-rays.


It features stars being torn apart by black holes, galactic collisions, and novae, and neutron stars that build up layers of plasma that then explode into space. An X-ray laser device was proposed as part of the Reagan Administration's Strategic Defense Initiative in the 1980s, but the only test of the device (a sort of laser "blaster" or death ray, powered by a thermonuclear explosion) gave inconclusive results.

By 2006, however, medical procedures in the United States were contributing much more ionizing radiation than was the case in the early 1980s.


In 1987, they accounted for 58% of exposure from human-made sources in the United States.


Concerns regarding the impact of frequent or poorly controlled use were expressed in the 1950s, leading to the practice's eventual end that decade. The X-ray microscope was developed during the 1950s. The Chandra X-ray Observatory, launched on July 23, 1999, has been allowing the exploration of the very violent processes in the universe which produce X-rays.


Radiation exposure from medical imaging in 2006 made up about 50% of total ionizing radiation exposure in the United States. ===Projectional radiographs=== Projectional radiography is the practice of producing two-dimensional images using x-ray radiation.

By 2006, however, medical procedures in the United States were contributing much more ionizing radiation than was the case in the early 1980s.

In 2006, medical exposure constituted nearly half of the total radiation exposure of the U.S.


It is estimated that 0.4% of current cancers in the United States are due to computed tomography (CT scans) performed in the past and that this may increase to as high as 1.5–2% with 2007 rates of CT usage. Experimental and epidemiological data currently do not support the proposition that there is a threshold dose of radiation below which there is no increased risk of cancer.


Up to 2010, five billion medical imaging examinations had been conducted worldwide.

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